What makes a faith-based liberal arts school unique?
作为一所基督教文理大学, 澳门线上博彩官网 is committed to shaping students’ academic, 个人, 精神上的成长. 我们的使命不仅仅是为你毕业后的职业生涯做准备——尽管这是其中的一部分——而是把你塑造成一个有思想的人, 心态, 成为你的社区和世界的一员. In short, we are committed to helping you become who you are fully called to be.
我们相信,当学生批判性地探索各个科学领域的思想时,这种情况就会发生, 社会科学, 和人文学科——比如我们的基础探索通识教育课程——关注服务他人,并在我们的社区中对上帝的恩典持开放态度, 国家, 和生活.
我们的教师以其在各自领域的优秀教师和学者而闻名, 以及他们致力于与学生建立关系,以指导和问责制为基础,帮助学生在学术上茁壮成长, 专业, 和精神上.
在澳门线上博彩官网, 14:1的师生比例确实意味着你可以与教授进行一对一的交流,教授不仅关心你的表现,也关心你将成为什么样的人. 我们鼓励学生超越单向度的教育,通过暑期研究项目来培养充满活力和有益的学术探索, 留学项目, 研究生实地体验项目, 荣誉项目, 和更多的.
Through 教师 mentorships and a host of academic opportunities, 你会发展你的视角, 知识, 智慧, and experience necessary to pursue a purposeful career after you graduate.
Why does it matter that 澳门线上博彩官网 is a faith-based institution?
在澳门线上博彩官网, 你将努力解决具有挑战性的问题, 探索复杂的理论, 在紧张中持有不同的观点, 并在以基督教信仰为基础的学术环境中进行公民对话.
然而,在课堂上的成长只是你在澳门线上博彩官网的故事的一部分. 我们也强调与他人建立有意义的关系和忠心服事的重要性. 这意味着我们的许多学生通过对基督领导的服务的承诺,向他们的邻居伸出援手-无论是街对面还是世界各地.
在墨西哥和乌干达等世界各地参加短期传教项目, 为无家可归者服务和辅导, 作为一个团体在教堂做礼拜, the expression of our Christian faith is foundational to 澳门线上博彩官网 and, 我们相信, critical for the holistic development of our students’ character and calling.
“我从我的同事们那里了解到,他们并不觉得有必要把他们的信仰和他们的智力生活结合起来, 因为这两个人从未分开过. 我发现了一个认真对待全心全意爱上帝的命令的团体. Thinking about faith seemed as natural to me as praying, 爱那些需要帮助的人, 一起敬拜.”
Some are called to do this as doctors, scientists, entrepreneurs, and artists. Others are called to do this as missionaries, nurses, theologians, and engineers. 不管我们的职业是什么, 神呼召我们所有人通过回应这些礼物来表达他对他和世界上其他人的爱, 情况下, 的关系, 他赐给我们生命.
How will pursuing my calling translate to a career?
在澳门线上博彩官网, when we talk about calling, we mean so much more than a job. What you do 专业 will likely change numerous times over your lifetime. You may find yourself in a job that hasn’t even been created yet. But by pursuing a calling aligned with your and values, 而不是只专注于找工作, you’re discovering the truest version of yourself — one that is self-actualized, 自信, 意识到自己的长处和短处.
这种方式, instead of making life about finding the “right job,” you’re well versed in being true to your identity in God in all 情况下. Calling isn’t about what you do; it’s living out who God has called you to be.
Of course, understanding yourself is an important step in pursuing a career path. By taking bold steps to discover who you are called to be, you will begin uncovering your unique strengths and abilities. 当你在一个致力于同样发现的社区中更多地了解自己时, your career possibilities may become even broader than you originally thought.
在澳门线上博彩官网, 我们相信 in pursuing calling together. Deep and meaningful 的关系 with your fellow students, 教授, 工作人员, 在一个充满活力的基督徒群体中,你必须找到你被呼召要成为的人. 你一个人做不到. And since finding your calling isn’t a destination, 成为一个社区的一部分,这个社区充满了从事同样努力的人,这将使你在你所做的每一件事和你生活的各个方面都能活出你的使命.
Is a liberal arts school like 澳门线上博彩官网 more expensive than other schools?
从实际和财务上讲, it’s important to consider that the sticker price can be misleading. 澳门线上博彩官网, 以及大多数其他私人, 文科院校, 与其他学校相比,提供慷慨的经济援助,可能只依赖于他们的标价. There is aid available based on merit, talent, and need. 而且你四年后毕业的几率比五六年要大得多. Both factors mean you may often find you will pay about the same, 或者更少, out-of-pocket to attend a private college than a public university.
If you choose to go to college, you will invest in an education. 我们相信这是人生中明智的购买. In fact, 我们相信 it’s one of the most meaningful purchases you will make. 在澳门线上博彩官网,我们承诺为你投资. Our calling is to invest in people — our students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, and community — because 我们相信 in a unique kind of higher education. 我们相信一个整体, Christian education that equips you with the 知识, 智慧, and experience to enrich your faith and live a meaningful life.
- With non-impacted classes, of the students who graduate from 澳门线上博彩官网, more than 90% 四年或更短时间毕业.
- 在申请贷款的学生中,澳门线上博彩官网学生的违约率极低 2.7% 与全国平均水平相比 9.3%据College Factual报道.
- Students who graduate from 澳门线上博彩官网 earn a median starting salary of $46,400根据…….S. 新闻 & 世界报道.
Those median yearly earnings increase to nearly $51,000 within six years of graduating, according to Niche.com.